On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Dave Page wrote:
> There must be some legal entity in control for the servers to even exist
> (probably Marc/hub.org in this instance). If something defamatory about
> Microsoft remained posted for some length of time because none of us
> were around to remove it quickly, I'm sure there crack legal team would
> figure out who to sue pretty darn quickly.
Actually, its not that bad ... it just happened to us recently, where we
go ta 'cease&desist' order from the legal dept of a company ... turns out
that RackSpace still hasn't removed us as owners of our old IPs, and the
current owners are running 'illegal porn' off of them :( I think that
legally they have to do a request to remove the content *before* suing,
and I think it becomes even more difficult for them where the servers
*aren't* in the US, nor fall under the US legal system ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: scrappy@hub.org Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664