On Sun, Dec 28, 2003 at 12:57:10 -0500,
Casey Allen Shobe <cshobe@softhome.net> wrote:
> Ahh, I have seen those...but they're specific to psql, and if memory serves me
> correct I wasn't able to use the variables within queries, either. I need
> something I can use over ODBC (within a single transaction, of course).
> These can sometimes solve problems that you can't seem to solve any other
> way, and other times can improve query response time *greatly* (say, by
> running a subquery once and assigning the result to a variable used 40 times
> in the final statement instead of running 40 subqueries).
You should be handle to this case by using the subselect query in the from
clause and then doing a join to make the value available where needed.