Le Vendredi 28 Novembre 2003 18:42, Andreas Pflug a écrit :
> You can contact Jean-Michel about website translation (jm@@poure.com).
Dear Miguel,
Thanks for your interest in translating pgAdmin web site into Spanish.
All information is available from the translation page:
1) At first, follow the translation howto in order to install poEdit:
poEdit works fine under Win2000 and WinXP. I reveived information from
translators saying it works fine too under Win98.
2) Then, when poEdit is installed, download the translation file:
Save the file on your local disc. Keep the .pot file, copy and rename it
3) Translate pgadmin3_website.po using poEdit. Again, follow the translation
how-to explaining the meaning of variable placeholders (%s, etc...). All
information should be in the howto.
4) When it is finished, send me the translated file. I can publish your text
within minutes on a development server, which allows you to validate the
translation on-line.
Hope this helps...
Best regards,