Here is how I doi it when I need to...
SELECT next_val('row_num'), relname FROM pg_class LIMIT 3;
You could also do this with a Set Returning Fucntion so that it returns the
nextval in a simular way
On Thursday 17 July 2003 08:03, Hans-Jürgen Schönig wrote:
> I had a brief look at DB2's row_number function which seems to be pretty
> useful.
> What it does is:
> test=# SELECT row_number(), relname FROM pg_class LIMIT 3;
> row_number | relname
> ------------+----------------
> 1 | pg_description
> 2 | pg_group
> 3 | pg_proc
> (3 rows)
> This makes sense to me and I need this feature from time to time. My
> question is: How do I find out when a query starts? Inside a table
> function I can call SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL() to see when it is called first.
> Is there an easy way to check that inside an "ordinary" C function
> returning just one value?
> Currently my function counts the number of times it has been called per
> connection. I could write a second function for resetting the counter
> but this is not too smart ...
> Regards,
> Hans
Darcy Buskermolen
Wavefire Technologies Corp.
ph: 250.717.0200
fx: 250.763.1759