> I don't think people change _that_ _many_ postgresql.conf settings, so
> reordering should be OK with them, especially if they get a clearer
> output.
Yeah. I put in the objection because Elein already made it to me.
I also think that most people don't adjust *enough* Postgresql.conf settings,
which is one thing I'm trying to change.
> Just to throw in a wrench, consider that SHOW ALL shows the settings in
> alphabetical order. I think that is OK, but I thought I should mention
> it.
I think it's OK too. Presumably, people running SHOW ALL are looking for a
particular setting, not trying to tweak everything.
I considered simply alpha-ordering the CONF file. However, too many options
have a logical grouping that really need to be adjusted together and are
spread wide apart in the alphabet (WAL_files and Checkpoint_segments, for
example). For that matter, I dealt with a couple of distros of SAMBA that
decided to "simplify" smb.conf by alphabetizing the settings, and ended up
reordering them on my own. Bleah.
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco