> We found out a few days ago that in PG 7.3 the return type for trigger
> functions was redefined from OPAQUE to TRIGGER. What's the rationale
> behind this? Is this for standards compliance (forgive my ignorance about
> the standard's details)? Were there other gains to be obtained from this
> move?
Yes. In < 7.3, OPAQUE actually referred to 3 different types of non-parsable
return values. Differntiating the different types should be an improvement
in both performance and error prevention.
> So right now we are stuck on either changing the return type of every
> trigger for TRIGGER (which means no 7.2 compatibility) or stay stuck in
> 7.2-land.
Seems to me that this could be done to the whole OpenACS package with a Perl
or Sed script.
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco