Hi Tom!
Thank you for your reply.
> > Is this bug fixed in 7.2.3?
> Try it and see.
I tried it on another box (RedHat Linux 8.0, much faster and
newer than the OpenBSD box) and it took 2000 seconds (10 times
faster than the 7.1.3 on the slower OpenBSD box).
Btw: MySQL on the slower box is able to insert 50 times faster
(I assume this is because of worse reliability).
Btw: PostgreSQL 7.1.3 was 4 times slower (160 seconds) with a
single client than MySQL with a single client. This factor
increased appr. by the factor 12 (from 4 to 50) when I used
10 concurrent clients.
Concluding I still have the impression that the semaphore
handling on i386 RedHat Linux and i386 OpenBSD in combination
with PostgreSQL leads to bad performance.
> FWIW, on HPUX with current CVS tip I could not measure any difference in
> performance between a single client issuing INSERTs like yours and ten
> clients doing so: I got essentially the same number of insertions/sec
> either way.
That sounds good... :-)) But I cannot afford HP UX. :-))
Due to the nature of our applications performance is not so
important for us. That means that I do not consider this bug
to be severe.