On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 10:57:56AM -0000, dfg wrote:
> hello,
> I'm beginer programmer,please help me.
> how can I use C++/C interface in posgresql.
> what's main functions should i need,
> and what's include headers too.
You should be able to find some documentation in the postgresql docs, either
in the package or online at http://www.postgresql.org/ (there's libpq, a C
API, and libpq++ which is done in C++).
Alternatively, you could take a look at the C++ frontend I'm currently
writing at http://members.ams.chello.nl/j.vermeulen31/ (look for libpqxx).
The documentation isn't very complete yet (and is still in SGML format only)
but it may help, and the example programs called test*.cc should give you
a good idea of how to get started with your own programs.