After some trial-and-error, this installation sequence worked for
INSTRUCTIONS: PostgreSQL and Perl DBD on SuSE 7.3
1. Install the following using YaST2: (Suggestion: Install each line-item below in a separate YaST2
- Development/Libraries/Perl: perl-DBI
- Applications/Databases: all postgresql modules
- Development Libraries: postgresql-devl
2. Setup directories and paths for PostgreSQL:
> su - (change to root)
Setup disk directory for your db:
# mkdir /var/lib/pgsql/data
# chown postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data
- Put PostgreSQL path /usr/local/pgsql/bin into PATH in
3. Initialize the database, start it, and test it:
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
# rcpostgresql start
Quick-test the server:
# su postgres
> psql -d template1 \q to exit psql Setup another db user:
> createuser <db-user> (should matach an existing Linux user) Shall the new user be able to create databases?
(y/n)y Shall the new user be able to create new users? (y/n) n
Note: SuSE 7.3 appears to have a Pg DBD, but I could not get it to
work, so...
4. Verify the existence of the following, which are required for the
- /usr/include/pgsql/libpq-fe.h
- /usr/lib/
5. Manually download DBD::Pg from .
6. Expand and examine the downloaded components:
- su to the <db-user> you setup for db access, but NOT root!
- Expand DBD-Pg-1.01.tar.gz into your favorite directory.
- Read the README file.
7. Prepare for the build:
> export POSTGRES_INCLUDE=/usr/include/pgsql
> export POSTGRES_LIB=/usr/lib
8. Try the build:
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
- Verify no errors from the make.
> make test
- Verify all "ok" from the make test.
9. Do the final DBD install:
> su - (and cd back to the build directory, if necessary)
# make install
DBD-Pg is installed!
Reed White - ALTA RESEARCH -
Phone: 877-360-2582 - Email: alta@alta-research.comINSTALLATION