[2001-12-04 15:35] Fariba Noorbakhsh said:
| Hi,
| I have a question about remote access to Pgsql DB. I acctually want to
| access mydb which located on a Unix server called ORION from another
| Unix server called OMEGA.
| According to documentation I have to run postmaster on ORION with -i
| option like:
| /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -i -D /usr/local/pgsql/data &
| But still I can not run psql mydb from Omega:
You need to say "psql -h orion mydb"
"Develop your talent, man, and leave the world something. Records are
really gifts from people. To think that an artist would love you enough
to share his music with anyone is a beautiful thing." -- Duane Allman