On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 10:50:19AM +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
> While surfing through our web page I found some references about Postgres
> (the original Berkley project) starting as Ingres. Now I wonder whether we
> or let's say the original Postgres project still used Ingres or parts
> thereof.
> The original Postgres FAQ say
> Q. What is the connection between POSTGRES and University Ingres?
> A. There is none, aside from Prof. Stonebraker. There is no
> compatibility between the two software packages, and the research
> projects had differing objectives
> This certainly sounds like these two are different projects by the same
> Prof.
Ingres - 1982 -- 1985 - Michael Stonebraker and Eugene Wong at UC-Berkeley - Ingres =
InteractiveGraphics and Retrieval System - original developed on PDP-11/45 - original query
languagewas QUEL
Postgres - 1985(?) - 1994 - based on Ingres - start with idea make Ingres more OO -
thefather was again Stonebraker
Postgres95 - 1994-1995 - UC-Berkeley's students Jolly Chen and Andrew Yu
Mariposa - based on Postgres95 - keynote was specific non realtime replication - alive this
PostgreSQL - summer 1996 - OpenSource
* Ingres Corporation (set up Stonebraker?) * Robert Epstein from UC-Berkeley team set up Sybase * Paula Hawthorn
fromUC-Berkeley team set up Illustra Information Technologies Incorporated, now know as Informix
If I know (from some resources on web) M. Stonebraker work with/onIngres, Illustra and Informix.
By the way on the world exist two original branchs of SQL DB where ispossible found inspiration of all DB: * System-R
nowknow as DB2 * Ingres (PostgreSQL, Informix)
Do know some other good URL about DB history?
-- Karel Zak <zakkr@zf.jcu.cz>http://home.zf.jcu.cz/~zakkr/C, PostgreSQL, PHP, WWW, http://docs.linux.cz,