I'm running on Red Hat Linux 7.1 with all official updates.
I have a problem or two with PostgreSQL and thought to test against the
CVS version so as to avoid the suggestion (as happened recently) to
"try this later version."
I particularly want to install the package in some out-of-the-way place
a) It doesn't replace the existing production version
b) I don't need root privilege.
To my dismay some components don't honour the "--prefix=/tmp/postgresql"
specification and try to install in some other location.
I'd much prefer for the perl and python components to install into the
location I specified, and to leave me to discuss with Perl and Python
the question of how to make sure I get the right versions (or even
better, offer a handy hint).
John Summerfield
Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/
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