On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:17:23PM -0000, Ryan Mahoney wrote:
> I'm actaully trying to get 7.1b to start automatically, still no success,
> but I'm making progres.
> Trying to modify the pg_ctl that comes with 7.1 to add the su - postgres -c
I added the following to the postgres account's .profile:
export PGDATA=${HOME}/data
I then had to use the following in my startup script:
su - postgres -- --login -c "pg_ctl -o -S start"
su - postgres -- --login -c "pg_ctl stop"
The reason for the --login is that the bash/gnu-su combination is broken (IMO)
wrt to sourcing .profile when ran from su.
Mike Castle Life is like a clock: You can work constantly
dalgoda@ix.netcom.com and be right all the time, or not work at all
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We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan. -- Watchmen