> I agree, it is different, but XML and SOAP means no licensing, not platform
> dependent and standardized. :)
CORBA is both standardised and platform independent.
Furthermore, if you use one of the many Open Source ORBs you don't need
to pay license fees to anyone.
CORBA is also more mature and technically superior to SOAP:
* There are many implementations of CORBA in the market place with a variety of support model; e.g. ranging from
proprietary source / commercial through to "free" (in the FSF sense).
* All the cruft of building and parsing XML structures in SOAP is done automatically in CORBA by generated stubs.
* CORBA IIOP is far more compact than XML representations, and can be marshalled and unmarshalled a lot faster.
* CORBA gives you object references and object location transparency.
* CORBA has a wide range of existing intrastructure and application domain services.
* The OMG is working on a standard for CORBA over XML.
* and so on.
-- Steve