Here is some more information..
> What cursor type are you using ?
Working setup is:
Client Side Cursors Location, Static cursor type, and Optimistic Locking.
The Following setups return only 8 records out of 5110:
Server Side Cursors Location, Static cursor type, and Optimistic Locking.
Server Side Cursors Location, Keyset cursor type, and Optimistic Locking.
Server Side Cursors Location, Static cursor type, and Pessimistic Locking.
Server Side Cursors Location, Keyset cursor type, and Pessimistic Locking.
Server Side Cursors Location, Static cursor type, and ReadOnly Locking.
The following return 0 records:
Server Side Cursors Location, Dynamic cursor type, and Optimistic Locking.
Server Side Cursors Location, forward-only cursor type, and ReadOnly Locking.
Server Side Cursors Location, Dynamic cursor type, and Pessimistic Locking.
Server Side Cursors Location, Dynamic cursor type, and ReadOnly Locking.
The Select command the dataenvironment is using is;
select * from bloods where date is not null order by date desc
Here is the table structure:
CREATE TABLE "bloods" (
"date" date,
"animal" varchar(10),
"p" text,
"s" char(15),
"glu" float8,
"bun" text,
"crea" float8,
"tp" float8,
"alb" float8,
"tbil" float8,
"alp" float8,
"alt" float8,
"ast" float8,
"chol" text,
"ca" float8,
"phos" float8,
"na" float8,
"k" float8,
"cl" float8,
"agratio" text,
"buncreatinineratio" float8,
"globulin" text,
"magnesium" text,
"hgb" float8,
"htc" float8,
"wbc" float8,
"rbc" float8,
"mcv" float8,
"mch" float8,
"mchc" float8,
"plt" float8,
"plymph" text,
"plymphpercent" text,
"band" text,
"bandpercent" text,
"lymph" text,
"lymphpercent" text,
"mono" text,
"monopercent" text,
"eos" text,
"eospercent" text,
"baso" text,
"basopercent" text
CREATE INDEX "date_bloods_key" ON "bloods" ("date");
CREATE INDEX "animal_bloods_key" ON "bloods" ("animal");
Thanks again.