I just ran across an interesting problem with my Visual Basic 6.0sp5 Program. I am using version of the ODBC
driver.I have a DBGrid, it is actually The "True DBGrid" from Component One, on a Form. It is connected to a table,
usinga bound dataenvironment, which contains 5110 records. As long as I use server side cursors, the grid will only
display8 records. When I change to Client Side Cursors it displays all 5110 records.. I have tried changing lock types,
etc..and have not got server side to work at all. The ODBC Driver logs show that it is opening the correct table with
all5110 records.. I have not turned on Server Side logging, but I can if that will help figure this out.
Is this in anyway related to my previous post from 10/09/2001. "[ODBC] ODBC ServerSide Cursors Error"? Was that fix
includedin the new driver?
Thanks in advance, if you need more information just let me know.
Ryan C. Bonham