Dumb Perl-related question - Mailing list pgsql-interfaces

From Brendan McKenna
Subject Dumb Perl-related question
Msg-id 199906171726.SAA17199@w3s.ie
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: [INTERFACES] Dumb Perl-related question
List pgsql-interfaces
This question is so dumb that I am embarassed to ask it, but I can't 
seem to figure it out myself.  I have a select statement with a where clause, 
where I am trying to select all values from the database that match a string 
literal.  Only whenever I try to specify a string literal in the query, it 
gives me a syntax error on the first word in the literal.
What I'm doing looks like this:
  $query   = "select recipe_name, occasion, num_served, prep_time, " .             "freezable, instructions "
                  .             "from recipe "                                          .             "where
recipe_name= '$recipe';";  $result  = $dbconn->exec($query);  $rstatus = $result->resultStatus;  if ($rstatus !=
PGRES_TUPLES_OK&& $rstatus != PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY) {     croak "getRecipe:  Database error during query: " .
$dbconn->errorMessage; }
Every time, it prints out the following error:

getRecipeEquipment: Database error during query: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "no" at ./recipeDisplay line
The recipe name I am using is 'No Such Recipe'.
There would only be one row ever returned, since recipe_name is the 
primary key of the recipe table.
I am using perl 5.005_55, postgreSQL 6.4.2 (with the Pg module which 
is distributed with it).
I have tried every different type of quote that my keyboard will 
allow me to enter, casts, you name it, I think I've tried it.  Well, 
obviously not, since I am certain that this MUST work somehow or another.  
About half of the things I've tried work fine in psql, just not in the Perl 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Brendan McKenna    
Technical Director            Phone: +353-(0)61-338177 x4143
W3 Services Ltd.              Fax: +353-(0)61-338065
Innovation Centre            Email: brendan@w3s.ie
National Technological Park

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