>hmm.. well until the grammar gets fixed, create table c(c _char)
>should work, as _typename is the typename from an array of that type.
>Although I don't see what advantages a character array has over text?
Good point. I asked him the same question. He needed a chararcter
vector in that each char represents an individual value. Rather than
using substr(), an array might be more intuitive, he said.
>On Mon, 16 March 1998, at 15:20:36, t-ishii@sra.co.jp wrote:
>> Please do not remove char2! Some users uses it for making an array of
>> char.
>> create table c(c char2[]);
>> Seems strange? Yes. Actually what he wanted to do was:
>> test=> create table c(c char[]);
>> ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "["
Tatsuo Ishii