The following bug has been logged on the website:
Bug reference: 18362
Logged by: Cees van Zeeland
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 15.6
Operating system: Windows 11
I am using a Postgres Server 15.06-1 with UTF-8
I am struggling with the unaccent extension and "Old Greek" characters.
To explain what behaviour I encoutered, try this:
1. Create a table with one text field
entry text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT test_pkey PRIMARY KEY (entry)
2. Insert the next few greek words with (stress accents) on the vowels,
or import de CSV file with the same items.
ἀνήρ (== man)
πέντε (== five)
γίγας (== giant)
γράφω (== write)
δύο (== two)
ἐγώ (== Ι)
θεός (== god)
3. Create the next view for searching:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.test_view
SELECT test.entry,
replace(test.entry, 'ς'::text, 'σ'::text)), ''::text), replace(test.entry,
'ς'::text, 'σ'::text)) AS search_entry
FROM test
ORDER BY test.entry;
4. Try if it works:
SELECT entry, search_entry FROM public.test_view;
Result shows that not all diacritics are removed
When I search in the unaccent.rules I see around line 530 characters that
look the same but they are in fact different. f.e.
Greek Small Letter Epsilon with Tonos
Greek Small Letter Epsilon with Oxia
I found here a discussion about this subject:
So, there are reasons to keep the current unaccent.rules as it is, but...
there are other reasons to add a few lines to it, f.e. after line 955 and
insert five greek vowels with Oxia
Please add:
ά α
έ ε
ή η
ί ι
ό ο
ύ υ
ώ ω
It would solve the problem and make searching through old greek texts al lot
Thanks for your help,
Cees van Zeeland