"Daniel Westermann (DWE)" <daniel.westermann@dbi-services.com> writes:
> On Thu, 2021-11-11 at 09:52 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> tzdb has an additional problem, which is that not updating is not an
>> option: if you're affected by a DST law change, you want that update,
>> and you frequently need it yesterday. We're definitely not set up
>> to handle that sort of update process, which is why we recommend
>> --with-system-tzdata.
> Where in the docs is this recommended? The only place I can find it is here:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/install-procedure.html
Yup, that's exactly the text I was thinking of. Maybe the recommendation
should be more enthusiastic --- it was written back when it was still
rather questionable whether a platform would have an up-to-date copy of
tzdata. (Maybe it still is, at least for the "up-to-date" part.)
regards, tom lane