"A. Van Hook" <hook@kcp.com> writes:
> Dump files are used to restore and test. This test method has been used
> successfully on
> all previous versions. However, in 7.3.3, when the dump utility hits a
> carriage return imbeded with in a text field, the
> dump utility immeadiately jumps to the next record rendering the dump of
> successive records useless.
AFAICT, pg_dump with -D in 7.3 and current dumps embedded carriage
returns and newlines literally, same as it always has. I suspect your
problems are not actually with Postgres, but with some other tool that
is misreading or altering the dump file.
Personally, I would use pg_dump without -D. Recent versions give a
fairly nice behavior for embedded control characters:
COPY foo (f1) FROM stdin;
regards, tom lane