On Fri, 2013-12-06 at 10:12 -0500, Vitaly Tskhovrebov wrote:
> I either should be allowed to build my own postgres from srpm,
You are:
> and uuid-devel dependency should be resolvable,
It is also doable by passing --define "uuid 0" to the SRPM. uuid is a
predefined conditional in spec file:
and here is how to do it:
> Or there should be a really strong reason to use 1.0.1e instead of
> 1.0.0, other than downgrading a box. Basically, 1.0.0 isn't that
> insecure, otherwise redhat would notify us on imminent threat.
I saw at least 3 announcements recently for an update -- mostly bug
fixes, though.
> There are tons of other situations available where redhat subscription
> will not work that good, including production db zone without direct
> access of internet resources. I would ask people not to come down this
> road and concentrate on specific issue:
> The bug is titled: broken dependency for rhel6. This because by
> dependency definition package is fine with openssl version installed
> officially, but somehow expects yum to figure out that Devrim will be
> happy should it use another package version.
As Tom stated, it is the auto dependency picker that is picking up the
openssl dependency. We don't depend on OpenSSL anywhere. What if we
build with the older version, and then it is broken with the new one?
Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Community: devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr
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