--- Collin Peters <cadiolis@gmail.com> wrote:
> The exact problem is that you can't use nextval() with an INSERTable VIEW
I apoligize if I am not understanding your problem correctly. I am unsure as to intent behind
using nextval() as opposed to currval().
I do not know if the following DDL will help but I can show you how I preform inserts across
multiple tables using the rule system:
CREATE RULE Vschematic_insert AS ON INSERT TO Docs.Vschematic
DO INSTEAD (INSERT INTO Docs.Document ( did, doccode, docnum, docdisc) VALUES ( DEFAULT, 'schematic', New.docnum,
INSERT INTO Docs.Drawing ( did, doccode, title1, title2, title3)VALUES ( Currval('Docs.Document_did_seq'), 'schematic',
New.title1,New.title2, New.title3);
INSERT INTO Docs.Schematic ( did, doccode)VALUES ( Currval('Docs.Document_did_seq'), 'schematic') );
For reference the table DDL follows:
CREATE TABLE docs.document (did serial PRIMARY KEY,doccode varchar(30) not null, docnum
varchar(30) unique not null,docdisc text not null default '',
constraint document_doccode_chk check ( doccode in ( 'cpf', 'logicsystem', 'processdetail', 'electricaldetail',
'locationplan','logicdiagram', 'loopdiagram', 'schematic', 'wiringdiagram', 'pid', 'isometric',
'airsupplydetail','mountingdetail', 'pnuematicdetail', 'functionaldiscription', 'datasheet',
'processmaterialspec', 'loopfoldermiscellaneous', 'loopfolderorficeplate', 'loopfolderinstallation',
'loopfolderswitch', 'loopfolderxmtrctrlind', 'loopfoldercontrolvalve', 'loopfolderanalyzer',
'loopfolderworkscope', 'loopfolderdocumentation')));
CREATE TABLE docs.drawing
(did integer primary key references docs.document(did) on delete cascade,doccode
varchar(30) not null,title1 varchar(50) not null,title2 varchar(50) not null,title3
varchar(50) not null,
constraintdrawing_doccode_chkcheck ( doccode in ( 'processdetail', 'electricaldetail', 'locationplan',
'logicdiagram','loopdiagram', 'schematic', 'pid', 'isometric', 'airsupplydetail', 'mountingdetail',
'pnuematicdetail'))) ;
CREATE TABLE docs.schematic
(did integer primary key references docs.drawing(did) on delete cascade,doccode
varchar(30) not null,cid integer references equ.lcp(cid),
constraintschematic_doccode_chkcheck ( doccode = 'schematic')) ;
Richard Broersma Jr.