> I've registered for the Drupal site so that I can fix and/or expand
> some
> of your items.
Thanks. I corrected the index on dual fields page.
> If you want to discuss Drupal & PostgreSQL again, please post on the
> pgsql-advocacy list or the pgsql-php mailing lists. pgsql-hackers
> isn't
> the best place to get people to help you.
I would prefer no, please. This post is made to understand what needs to
be done at PostgreSQL level for better Drupal supports.
As written previously, Drupal developers write MySQL code. Some of this
code is not portable, okay.
> BTW, why don't we have a multi-argument version of CONCAT()? In 8.4,
> it
> would be possible ... I should add it to mysqlcompat library.
yes. In PostgreSQL core ...
PostgreSQL requires all non-aggregated fields to be present in the GROUP
BY clause (I fixed 10 such issues in Drupal code).
Why can't PostgreSQL add the required field automatically? Could this be
added to PostgreSQL to-do-list?
Kind regards,