Re: Am I overseen ? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Lothar Behrens
Subject Re: Am I overseen ?
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Am I overseen ?  (brian <>)
List pgsql-general
On 18 Okt., 19:33, (brian) wrote:
> Lothar Behrens wrote:
> > On 18 Okt., 18:22, ("Scott Marlowe") wrote:
> >>Normally when you get thundering silence, you've asked a question no
> >>one feels real qualified to answer, and rather than answer it halfway,
> >>they just leave it for the next guy to get.
> > In my opinion the question was clear. How to alter table if the column
> > not already
> > inserted of later of given type.
> I think Scott meant that if a question--clear or not--is not something
> one feels one is qualified to answer, then one generally does not.
> In my opinion, though, the question was not clear.

Hmm, ok.

> > I know about the systables of postgresql as each other database system
> > has - propably :-)
> > But I'm not that familar with it.
> > I need a sample how that is done in plain SQL (i pass the script via
> > ODBC to the database).
> I don't feel at all qualified to answer this. Sorry.

I will ask differently. Is there a tool that keeps track to syncronize
database models
supporting postgresql (natively) ?

Laurent gave me a hint to but it is
to convert database model to XML representation and vica versa.
What I could read, it does not syncronize. Thus I would propably not
able to look into it for how it works.

I think I'll study the system tables for postgreSQL and do it anyhow.

Thanks, Lothar

> brian
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
>        choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
>        match

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