On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 20:05 -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> A little truth in advertising would be nice here.
=== The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. ===
Sales/Support: +1.503.667.4564 || 24x7/Emergency: +1.800.492.2240
Providing the most comprehensive PostgreSQL solutions since 1997
Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate
PostgreSQL Replication: http://www.commandprompt.com/products/
Please can you explain
- why you claim to be "The" PostgreSQL Company, when there are many such
companies around the world. If you don't wish to mislead anyone, then
this clearly should be "A PostgreSQL Company: ....".
- how it is that you say "We are the only dedicated PostgreSQL company,
focusing all of our efforts on the promotion and proliferation of pure
PostgreSQL", when on the very same page you offer for sale a product
which is clearly not part of pure PostgreSQL and you have stated clearly
that you have chosen not to contribute to the PostgreSQL project.
I think people that live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Simon Riggs
EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com