Re: new commitfest transition guidance - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: new commitfest transition guidance
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In response to Re: new commitfest transition guidance  (Jacob Brazeal <>)
Responses Re: new commitfest transition guidance
List pgsql-hackers
Jacob Brazeal <> writes:
> What if we automatically move any patches to the current commitfest if new
> patch attachments are sent to the corresponding message thread? Heck,
> perhaps if there are any new messages *at all* in the message thread, and
> the commitfest entry has not been closed already, we should move it to the
> current commitfest.

+1 ... this would go a long way towards reducing the manual effort
needed to maintain these things.

> We could even have commitfest respond to the message
> thread to inform when automated actions of this nature have been taken.

Dunno that we need automated mail about it though.

(I don't care for the other idea of not having dated CFs at all.
That would mean that an entry never disappears unless manual action
is taken to remove it.  Making untouched threads silently age out
seems like the better path forward.)

            regards, tom lane

pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Jacob Brazeal
Subject: Re: new commitfest transition guidance
From: Sergei Kornilov
Subject: outdated comment in table_tuple_update definition