outdated comment in table_tuple_update definition - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Sergei Kornilov
Subject outdated comment in table_tuple_update definition
Msg-id 1097041738868417@zxq47dct3nfd6lzq.sas.yp-c.yandex.net
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List pgsql-hackers

I noticed that the comment for the table_tuple_update function (src/include/access/tableam.h) describes the
update_indexesparameter as boolean:

 *  update_indexes - in success cases this is set to true if new index entries
 *        are required for this tuple
Although this parameter is an enum of three values.

I found that the parameter type was changed by commit 19d8e23 (Ignore BRIN indexes when checking for HOT updates), but
thecomment was not updated. Looks like oversight.

  *  update_indexes - in successful cases, used to determine which index types
  *      require new index entries for this tuple

Something like this?

regards, Sergei

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