"Jason Tesser" <JTesser@nbbc.edu>
> MySQL cannot even handle sub-queries yet.
Ohh! Really?
Allow me to pay my highest respect to the genius mySQL
I completely have no clue on how to construct any single
tiny database on a DBMS having no sub-query capability.
Being too dumb, I solicit mySQL programmers' help by showing
me employee FOO's birthday and his/her latest job title
effective on or before 2003-1-1 from the following tables:
CREATE TABLE t1 (employee TEXT,BirthDay DATE);
CREATE TABLE t2 (employee TEXT,EffectiveDate DATE,JobTitle
And make the result like this:
FOO 1980-1-1 programmer
Please do not give me the answer that you will merge these
two tables to form one like this:
CREATE TABLE t1 (employee TEXT,BirthDay DATE,EffectiveDate
DATE,JobTitle TEXT);