On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 14:37, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> Bo, I've recently started having to deal with MySQL. (Web sites
> wanting/using php _need/have-to-have_ MySQL. Their words not mine.) And
> from going from a "I dislike MySQL" to "I'm really hating MySQL" has been
> getting easier and easier.
Been there too :-)
> My dealings with MySQL are for the 3.xx version but I semi-followed a
> thread on this several months ago so feel fully qualified to to throw in
> my views. :-) My take on others research was that MySQL transaction
> model is a bubble gum and bailing wire add on not an integral part of
> MySQL. It _was_ tacked onto the top of the database so if either it or
> MySQL failed you were likely to loose data.
But this goes for 3.x have you tried 4.x and there InnoDB tables ?
> How about "Friends don't let friends use MySQL"?
Nice thanks, but me boss dont by that ... yet.