On Oct 21, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-10-18 at 16:31 +0000, Murphy, Kevin wrote:
>> It might be nice for psql to have a 'htmlcaption' boolean pset option that would wrap the provided title/caption, if
any,in a caption tag in the HTML report output, when using html format.
> I'm not following. It does do that already
Sorry for not doing due diligence. These aren't the droids I was looking looking for. I'm moving along.
I had tuples_only (which killed the captions) and expanded on, so that the results, which were guaranteed to have a
singlerow, would look nice instead of having a "Record 1" prefix. This is a very special case, and not worth doing
anythingabout, unless it bothers someone that a single row result is prefaced with "Record 1" in expanded mode.
I was doing reports like this:
\pset expanded
\pset footer
\pset format html
\pset tuples_only
\C 'All Samples'
select (select count(distinct blinded_id) from core_person) as "Individuals", (select count(*) from core_sample)
as"Samples", (select count(distinct uploaded_data_file_id) from core_samplefile) as "Genomic files mapped to a
sample/person", (select count(distinct sample_id) from core_samplefile) as "Samples with genomic files",
(selectcount(distinct person_id) from core_samplefile join core_sample on core_samplefile.sample_id = core_sample.id)
as"Individuals with genomic files", (select count(distinct person_id) from core_blindfile) as "Individuals with
\pset expanded
\pset footer
\pset format aligned
\pset tuples_only