Yes I didn't really want to get into that at the moment, but that is THE
main difference....
That said, there are number of OSS projects that have very nice websites,
and it wouldn't be that much work to clean up the postgresql site a bit.
I'm not talking about a ton of new content, just a simple, clean layout for
the front page that's easier to use. I might even do a template myself and
send it to the list if I can get the time.
> >
> Isn't that true of just about any OSS project? Heck, Linux doesn't even
> have a website ;).
> MySQL is not an OSS project, it is an OSS product with a commercial
> company backing
> it. There is a big difference.
> Sincerely,
> Joshua D. Drake
> > Now of course that is not true, but perception
> >governs people's actions and behavior. If people think postgresql is
> >difficult, guess what, for all intents and purposes it is. If that
> >perception leads them to use mysql instead of postgresql, then at some
> >you have to face the fact that it's the perceptions that are really
> >important, regardless of the facts.
> >
> >Chris
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Honestly PG is easy to get up and running on several distributions. On
> >>RH, service postgres start willgive you a running Postgres (it will do
> >>initdb if needed). Now just create a user and get going.
> >>
> >>PG is only hard because people _think_ it's going to be hard. Or
> >>it used to be hard. However, it hasn't been hard for a long time.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> >TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC
> Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
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> Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator. Integrated Replication for PostgreSQL