Trigger functions that take parameters show up as ??????? and not the text typed. For example CREATE TRIGGER trig_btrim_cap BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.tbl_country FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE btrim_cap('s_name'); is shown by pgAdmin as CREATE TRIGGER trig_btrim_cap BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.tbl_country FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE btrim_cap(??????? which is not what was originally entered.
Obviously I have first created a function named btrim_cap: CREATE FUNCTION public.btrim_cap() RETURNS trigger AS 'util_funcs.so' LANGUAGE 'c' VOLATILE; I think pgAdmin is trying to do something smart and recognise the data types for the functions available.
Hi Donald,
I found some time last night and this bug is now fixed as far as I can tell. Please try the latest snapshot.
Regards, Dave.