-----Original Message-----
From: "Andrus"<eetasoft@online.ee>
Sent: 04/04/06 19:58:53
To: "pgadmin-support@postgresql.org"<pgadmin-support@postgresql.org>
Subject: [pgadmin-support] How install server management instrumentarium without compiling
> Now PgAdmin guru suggests that I should install server management
> instrumentarium but gives no help how to install.
> How to install server management instrumentarium without compiling in
> Windows 2003 server ?
Copy the dll into the server's lib directory (if you haven't done so already), then in the maintenance db that pgAdmin
initiallyconnects to, run the admin81.sql script. You'll need to get that from the adminpack download on the website in
whichit's called admin81.sql.in. You might need to check any paths in it first.
Regards, Dave
-----Unmodified Original Message-----
I have only remote access to Windows 2003 server.
Postgres 8.1.3 .msi files refuses to install Postgres server even when I run
in console session using
mstsc /console
So I installed Postgres 8.1.3 binaries from a zip file and PgAdmin latest
binaries from pgadmin.org
Now PgAdmin guru suggests that I should install server management
instrumentarium but gives no help how to install.
How to install server management instrumentarium without compiling in
Windows 2003 server ?
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