I need help. I want to build a list of customers (custid) that has the word 'sam' in their fullname and store them to a text string (ResultList). Then on the second query, I want to select the customers with ID that matches the ID in the ResultList.
DECLARE rec_set record; s_result text; ResultList text := '''';
For rec_set IN SELECT CustID FROM Customer where Fullname ~* ''(sam)''
For rec_set IN SELECT Fullname, Address /*from Customer where CustID in (''1220'', ''3452'', ''4112'', '''')*/ from Customer where CustID in (ResultList)
The problem is that the query can't find any match. Maybe because it compares a CustID with a string of values (ResultList). Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can get around this ? Does anybody know how to build an array string so I can store the cust id ?