Wrong. 12.1.1 contains more restriction on the initial class than 12.2 which describes the general process for ANY
class.Hence it is a difference. That is what you see in the difference of you initial example to mine on Gist. :-)
Sorry I was not aware that you only posted the example to demonstrate REFLECTION to fail. Maybe I missed that. I always
talkedabout normal instantiation, not about reflection. Also AFAIK JDBC spec does not say reflection MUST be possible,
-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Sitnikov [mailto:sitnikov.vladimir@gmail.com]
Sent: Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2015 23:15
To: Markus KARG
Cc: List
Subject: Re: [JDBC] Pre-processing during build
>This is difference is clearly documented in chapters JLS 12.1 (initial class) and JLS 12.2 (other classes).
There is no difference.
12.1.1 clearly reads: "This loading process is described further in §12.2."
Just in case, I've updated my gist:
https://gist.github.com/vlsi/aeeb4a61d9c2b67ad213, so you can see it is reflection that makes the thing fail.
I thought it was obvious from the start: reflection has to represent method arguments as Class somehow, so it fails as
anyonewould expect.