I have a pl/tcl function that doesn't work, but the same function in a
plain-vanilla tcl script does. (The function emulates Oracle's "replace"
The PL/TCL results:
bf2=# create function replace2 (varchar, varchar, varchar) returns varchar
as '
regsub -all {&} "$3" {\\\&} 3
regsub -all {\\[0-9]} "$3" {\\\0} 3
eval "regsub -all \{$2\} \{$1\} \{$3\} rval"
return $rval
' language 'pltcl';
bf2'# bf2'# bf2'# bf2'# bf2'# CREATE
bf2=# select replace2('a b', ' ', 'c');
ERROR: pltcl: missing close-brace
The plain tcl results:
proc replace { 1 2 3 } {
regsub -all {&} "$3" {\\\&} 3
regsub -all {\\[0-9]} "$3" {\\\0} 3
eval "regsub -all \{$2\} \{$1\} \{$3\} rval"
return $rval
puts [replace "a b" " " "c"]
$ ./test.tcl
Any idea what this error message means?