Judging by the error message, I would say it looks for a compiled version of
your file.
Daniel Åkerud
> Hi,all:
> This is my first time to use trigger. I try an example from programmer's
> guide. Firstly I save the procedure named trigf.c, then i try to comlile
> by using SQL statement " create function trigf() returns opaque as
> '...path_to_so' language 'c' ", then I got error message as " Load of file
> /home/postgres/trigf.c failed: invalid ELF header ". I don't know how to
> fix this, please help me out. Lots of thanks.
> The including H file in trigf.c is :
> #include "executor/spi.h" /*this is what you need to work with SPI */
> #include "commands/trigger.h" /*-"- and triggers */
> extern Datum trigf(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
> Datum
> { ... }
> Rui
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