Hi all,
While testing i found this unexpected limit:
There seems to be a hard 63 postmaster.exe backends limit to cygwin.
My postgresql.conf mentions:
max_connections = 200
shared_buffers = 512
I could not find any pointer to this in the cygwin or postgresql docs about
Jason Tishler noted this before in a review of why 'make test' (parallel)
failed (one year ago).
I tested a little: it seems that cygwin cannot spawn more than 63 children
procs. This does not seem like a winNT problem.
The questions:
Is it true that cygwin cannot spawn more the 63 children?
Is this known?
Does this issue limit postgresql on cygwin to max 63 backends/concurrent
Does someone have a good idea to work around this limit?
Any previous experience with this?
Greetings Joek Hondius