Looking even closer at the docs, it appears that my pg_triggers table should
have a column tgdeferrable BOOL, but it does not. When I try to create it I
devtest=# alter table pg_trigger add column tgdeferrable BOOL;
ERROR: ALTER TABLE: relation "pg_trigger" is a system catalog
Is there some way that I can FORCE the creation or somehow get that column
back in there just so I can do a dump???
Terry Fielder
Network Engineer
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
-----Original Message-----
From: terry@greatgulfhomes.com [mailto:terry@greatgulfhomes.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 9:30 PM
To: Postgres (E-mail)
Subject: crash problem
My database crashed earlier. It's starts up fine, and I can use it, but I
cannot back it up, it reports this error:
bash$ pg_dump -t letter_tag_execute_types devtest >
getTables(): SELECT (for TRIGGER) failed. Explanation from backend: 'ERROR:
such attribute or function 'tgdeferrable'
I get the same error if I try to do dumpall.
I try looking at the triggers table and this is what I get:
devtest=# select * from pg_trigger;
ERROR: Relation pg_trigger does not have attribute
devtest=# \d pg_trigger
Table "pg_trigger"
Attribute | Type | Modifier
tgrelid | oid |
tgname | name |
tgfoid | oid |
tgtype | smallint |
tgenabled | boolean |
tgisconstraint | boolean |
tgconstrname | name |
tgconstrrelid | oid |
tginitdeferred | boolean |
tgnargs | smallint |
tgattr | int2vector |
tgargs | bytea |
Indices: pg_trigger_tgconstrname_index,
I ran a vacuum, and it did worked, but did not fix this corruption problem.
Nothing meaningful appears in the log, just messages about the "backend
terminated unexpectedly".
What do I do now? I was hoping to upgrade to 7.2.1 this weekend, but if I
cannot back it up again, I will loose all of todays work, which was pretty
significant, I added much tables and populated a bunch also.
Any ideas is appreciated.
Terry Fielder
Network Engineer
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes