56.2. Built-in Operator Classes

The core PostgreSQL distribution includes the GiST operator classes shown in Table 56-1. (Some of the optional modules described in Appendix F provide additional GiST operator classes.)

Table 56-1. Built-in GiST Operator Classes

NameIndexed Data TypeIndexable OperatorsOrdering Operators
box_opsbox&& &> &< &<| >> << <<| <@ @> @ |&> |>> ~ ~= 
circle_opscircle&& &> &< &<| >> << <<| <@ @> @ |&> |>> ~ ~= 
inet_opsinet, cidr&& >> >>= > >= <> << <<= < <= = 
point_opspoint>> >^ << <@ <@ <@ <^ ~=<->
poly_opspolygon&& &> &< &<| >> << <<| <@ @> @ |&> |>> ~ ~= 
range_opsany range type&& &> &< >> << <@ -|- = @> @> 
tsquery_opstsquery<@ @> 

For historical reasons, the inet_ops operator class is not the default class for types inet and cidr. To use it, mention the class name in CREATE INDEX, for example

CREATE INDEX ON my_table USING gist (my_inet_column inet_ops);