create database - Docs search results , p.8

PostgreSQL Server Applications

database server resides. Other utility programs are listed in PostgreSQL Client Applications . Table of Contents initdb — create


database session. When the session ends, the prepared statement is forgotten, so it must be recreated


created in the current database and will be owned by the user issuing the command

26.5. Hot Standby

database using PL functions will still be possible, even though the transaction is read-only locally. The following types of administration commands are not accepted during recovery mode: Data Definition Language (DDL): e.g., CREATE


creates a new PostgreSQL database cluster, that is, a collection of databases that will be managed

F.25. pgcrypto

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.25.1. General Hashing Functions F.25.1.1.  digest() digest(data text

5.4. Constraints

database systems.) The above example could also be written as: CREATE TABLE products ( product_no integer

69.1. Database File Layout

database can use the same CREATE TABLESPACE location value without conflicts.) Within the version-specific


creates a new foreign-data wrapper. The user who defines a foreign-data wrapper becomes its owner. The foreign-data wrapper name must be unique within the database

F.39. tcn

CREATE privilege on the current database. Only one parameter may be supplied to the function

42.10. Trigger Functions

database events. A trigger function is created with the CREATE FUNCTION command, declaring it as a function

F.7. btree_gist

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.7.1. Example Usage Simple example using btree_gist instead


database by means of CREATE EXTENSION . plpgsql is installed by default, but other languages are not. The user

Chapter 47. Background Worker Processes

create and use. BGWORKER_BACKEND_DATABASE_CONNECTION Requests the ability to establish a database connection

33.21. Example Programs

database with the following commands * (provided in src/test/examples/testlibpq2.sql): * * CREATE SCHEMA TESTLIBPQ2; * SET search_path = TESTLIBPQ2