create database - Docs search results , p.7

43.5. Trusted and Untrusted PL/Perl

database superusers to create functions in untrusted languages. If the above function was created by a superuser

18.6. Upgrading a PostgreSQL Cluster

Create a new database cluster if needed. Remember that you must execute these commands while


database schemas, and not user data. For deployment testing, create a schema-only copy of the old cluster

50.46. pg_statistic

database. Entries are created by ANALYZE and subsequently used by the query planner. Note that

25.2. File System Level Backup

database server is running. However, a backup created in this way saves the database files

PostgreSQL Server Applications

database server resides. Other utility programs are listed in PostgreSQL Client Applications . Table of Contents initdb — create


database session. When the session ends, the prepared statement is forgotten, so it must be recreated


creates a new PostgreSQL database cluster. A database cluster is a collection of databases that

26.5. Hot Standby

database using PL functions will still be possible, even though the transaction is read-only locally. The following types of administration commands are not accepted during recovery mode: Data Definition Language (DDL) - e.g., CREATE

65.1. Database File Layout

database can use the same CREATE TABLESPACE location value without conflicts.) Within the version-specific

5.3. Constraints

database systems.) The above example could also be written as: CREATE TABLE products ( product_no integer


creates a new foreign-data wrapper. The user who defines a foreign-data wrapper becomes its owner. The foreign-data wrapper name must be unique within the database

41.9. Trigger Procedures

database events. A trigger procedure is created with the CREATE FUNCTION command, declaring it as a function


database by means of CREATE LANGUAGE . plpgsql is installed by default, but other languages are not. The user

32.21. Example Programs

database with the following commands * (provided in src/test/examples/testlibpq2.sql): * * CREATE SCHEMA TESTLIBPQ2; * SET search_path = TESTLIBPQ2