create database - Docs search results , p.7


create databases usesuper bool   User is a superuser usecatupd bool   User can update


created in a particular database by a simple CREATE LANGUAGE command, with no need to specify

Managing Databases

Databases Table of Contents 21.1. Overview 21.2. Creating a Database 21.3. Template Databases 21.4. Database

Dependency Tracking

created during an upgrade from a pre-7.3 database. Prev Home Next Other Database Objects


database users can be trusted to use this language; it does not give them unlimited authority. The other notable implementation restriction is that Tcl functions cannot be used to create

Packaging Related Objects into an Extension

database management. PostgreSQL calls such a package an extension . To define an extension, you need at least a script file that contains the SQL commands to create

Data Definition

Database Objects 5.12. Dependency Tracking This chapter covers how one creates the database structures that

Database Roles

database). To create a role use the CREATE ROLE SQL command: CREATE ROLE name ; name


CREATE ROLE reference page. new_name The new name of the role. database_name The name

Release 8.0.2

DATABASE RENAME by superusers who aren't flagged as having CREATEDB privilege (Tom) Modify WAL log entries for CREATE


Creating a Database 1.4. Accessing a Database 2. The SQL Language 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Concepts

Role Membership

database objects created are considered owned by the group role not the login role. Second


CREATE SERVER , to represent each remote database you want to connect to. Specify connection information


CREATE privilege for the database. To alter the owner, you must also be a direct


database is created. It is not truly case-insensitive in the terms defined by the Unicode