create database - Docs search results , p.7


CREATE privilege for the current database. (Of course, superusers bypass this check.) Examples Create a schema

F.6. btree_gin

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.6.1. Example Usage CREATE TABLE test (a int4); -- create


created in the current database), or just for objects created in specified schemas. As explained


CREATE INDEX constructs an index on the specified column(s) of the specified relation, which can be a table or a materialized view. Indexes are primarily used to enhance database


database schemas, and not user data. For deployment testing, create a schema-only copy of the old cluster


CREATE SUBSCRIPTION adds a new subscription for the current database. The subscription name must be distinct

44.5. Trusted and Untrusted PL/Perl

database superusers to create functions in untrusted languages. If the above function was created by a superuser

30.7. Security

CREATE privilege in the database. To add tables to a publication, the user must have

9.27. System Administration Functions

database the slot was created on. pg_create_logical_replication_slot ( slot_name name , plugin

18.6. Upgrading a PostgreSQL Cluster

Create a new database cluster if needed. Remember that you must execute these commands while

9.26. System Information Functions and Operators

database? Allowable privilege types are CREATE , CONNECT , TEMPORARY , and TEMP (which is equivalent to TEMPORARY

52.4. Streaming Replication Protocol

created in a database other than the database the walsender is connected to, this command


create a new, initially empty table in the current database. The table will be owned

51.49. pg_statistic

database. Entries are created by ANALYZE and subsequently used by the query planner. Note that

25.2. File System Level Backup

database server is running. However, a backup created in this way saves the database files