create database - Docs search results , p.7

42.8. PL/Perl Under the Hood

database session — either PL/PerlU, or PL/Perl for the first SQL role that calls a PL/Perl function. Any additional Perl interpreters created

Chapter 17. Server Setup and Operation

Creating a Database Cluster 17.2.1. Use of Secondary File Systems 17.2.2. File Systems 17.3. Starting


CREATE GROUP — define a new database role Synopsis CREATE GROUP name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] where option


CREATE USER — define a new database role Synopsis CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] where option

F.41. pg_stat_statements

database with CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements . F.41.1. The pg_stat_statements View The statistics

8.3. Character Types

database is created. Regardless of the specific character set, the character with code zero (sometimes

Appendix I. Configuring Postgres Pro for 1C Solutions

creates the database cluster. For example, for Debian systems do the following: sudo dpkg-reconfigure

49.12. pg_collation

database, it could be useful to create collations whose encoding does not match the database

F.21. Hunspell Dictionaries Modules

database using CREATE EXTENSION command, text search dictionary and configuration objects in the public schema

49.39. pg_publication

created in the database. For more on publications see Section 29.1 . Table 49.39.  pg_publication

Chapter 1. Getting Started

Creating a Database 1.4. Accessing a Database Prev   Up   Next Part I. Tutorial  Home  1.1. Installation

2.1. Introduction

created a database named mydb , as described in the previous chapter, and have been able

46.2. Logical Decoding Concepts

CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT ), a snapshot is exported (see Section 9.27.5 ), which will show exactly the state of the database


CREATE privilege for the current database. (Of course, superusers bypass this check.) Examples Create a schema


created in the current database), or just for objects created in specified schemas. As explained