create database - Docs search results , p.5

55.2. Message Flow

CREATE DATABASE ) that cannot be executed inside a transaction block. If one of these is executed

54.25. pg_shadow

create databases usesuper bool User is a superuser userepl bool User can initiate streaming replication

PostgreSQL Client Applications

database createdb — create a new PostgreSQL database createuser — define a new PostgreSQL user account dropdb

38.17. Packaging Related Objects into an Extension

CREATE privilege on the current database. When the user executing CREATE EXTENSION is not a superuser


CREATE ROLE reference page. new_name The new name of the role. database_name The name

Chapter 23. Managing Databases

Databases Table of Contents 23.1. Overview 23.2. Creating a Database 23.3. Template Databases 23.4. Database

F.10. citext

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.10.1. Rationale The standard approach to doing case-insensitive

Appendix M. Glossary

CREATE CAST . Catalog The SQL standard uses this term to indicate what is called a database

44.1. Overview

database, use the CREATE EXTENSION command, for example CREATE EXTENSION pltcl or CREATE EXTENSION pltclu


CREATE EXTENSION loads a new extension into the current database. There must not be an extension

Chapter 5. Data Definition

Database Objects 5.14. Dependency Tracking This chapter covers how one creates the database structures that

22.1. Database Roles

database). To create a role use the CREATE ROLE SQL command: CREATE ROLE name ; name


created. The connection must be to the same database used to create the slot. --create


CREATE PUBLICATION adds a new publication into the current database. The publication name must be distinct

F.38. postgres_fdw

CREATE SERVER , to represent each remote database you want to connect to. Specify connection information