create database - Docs search results , p.4


Databases are created with the CREATE DATABASE command (see Section 21.2 ) and destroyed with the DROP


DATABASE Recreate all indexes within the current database. Indexes on shared system catalogs are also


database you are connected to. So to create a table in the new schema, use: CREATE

Client Connection Defaults

database. If a nondefault tablespace is specified, the user must have CREATE privilege for it, or creation


created databases as well. See Also droplang , CREATE EXTENSION , CREATE LANGUAGE Prev Home Next createdb


database sessions. The default TPC-B-like transaction test requires specific tables to be set up beforehand. pgbench should be invoked with the -i (initialize) option to create

Release 7.4.8

databases then any subsequently created databases will contain the same errors. template1 can be fixed

Collation Support

database cannot be changed after its creation. 22.2.1. Concepts Conceptually, every expression of a collatable

Server Administration

Creating a Database Cluster 17.3. Starting the Database Server 17.4. Managing Kernel Resources 17.5. Shutting

Release 7.4.2

databases then any subsequently created databases will contain the same errors. template1 can be fixed

Release 7.3.10

databases then any subsequently created databases will contain the same error. template1 can be fixed

Release 9.0

database object permissions management. GRANT / REVOKE IN SCHEMA supports mass permissions changes on existing objects, while ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES allows control of privileges for objects created

Release 8.4.5

CREATE DATABASE and ALTER DATABASE ... SET TABLESPACE to be interrupted by query-cancel (Guillaume Lelarge


database creation and are thereafter database-specific. A few catalogs are physically shared across all databases

Write Ahead Log

database will be thrown away and recreated, or for a read-only database clone which