create database - Docs search results , p.17

18.7. Preventing Server Spoofing

database server; a client cannot identify an invalid server unless it is specially configured. One way to prevent spoofing of local connections is to use a Unix domain socket directory ( unix_socket_directories ) that

26.3. Failover

created. If the primary server fails and the standby server becomes the new primary, and then the old primary restarts, you must have a mechanism for informing the old primary that it is no longer

33.3. Command Execution Functions

database server has been successfully established, the functions described here are used to perform SQL queries and commands. 33.3.1. Main Functions PQexec Submits a command to the server and waits for the result. PGresult *PQexec

35.13. C++ Applications

database = %s\n", dbname); } 35.13.2. C++ Application Development with External C Module If you understand these technical limitations of the ecpg preprocessor in C++, you might come to the conclusion that linking C objects

37.11. Function Optimization Information

database system knows very little about the behavior of. However, that means that queries using the function may be executed much less efficiently than they could be. It is possible to supply additional knowledge that

5.10. Inheritance

database designers. (SQL:1999 and later define a type inheritance feature, which differs in many respects from the features described here.) Let's start with an example: suppose we are trying to build a data

37.6. Function Overloading

databases where some users mistrust other users; see Section 10.3 . When a query is executed, the server will determine which function to call from the data types and the number of the provided arguments. Overloading

12.6. Dictionaries

CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY public.simple_dict ( TEMPLATE = pg_catalog.simple, STOPWORDS = english ); Here, english is the base name of a file of stop words. The file's full name will be $SHAREDIR/tsearch_data/english.stop , where $SHAREDIR

11.8. Partial Indexes

database. Most accesses originate from the IP address range of your organization but some are from elsewhere (say, employees on dial-up connections). If your searches by IP are primarily for outside accesses, you probably

28.1. Determining Disk Usage

database, you can issue queries to see the disk usage of any table: SELECT pg_relation_filepath(oid), relpages FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'customer'; pg_relation_filepath | relpages ----------------------+---------- base/16384/16806 | 60 (1 row) Each page

67.1. Introduction

creating the initial summary for that range. There are several ways to trigger the initial summarization of a page range. If the table is vacuumed, either manually or by autovacuum , all existing unsummarized page ranges

35.12. Large Objects

database access calls.) For more details about the ECPGget_PGconn() , see Section 35.11 . For information about the large object function interface, see Chapter 34 . Large object functions have to be called in a transaction block


create-slot is specified and a slot with the specified name already exists. -n --no-loop Don't loop on connection errors. Instead, exit right away with an error. --no-sync This option causes


database does not have the same number of columns shown in the FROM clause. The column names need not match, however, and dblink does not insist on exact type matches either. It will succeed

E.15. Release 12.5

create non-temporary SQL objects could parlay this leak to execute arbitrary SQL code as a superuser. The PostgreSQL Project thanks Etienne Stalmans for reporting this problem. (CVE-2020-25695) Fix usage of complex connection