create database - Docs search results , p.17

30.1. Database Connection Control Functions

database connection. Loop thus: If PQconnectPoll(conn) last returned PGRES_POLLING_READING , wait until the socket is ready to read (as indicated by select() , poll() , or similar system function). Then call PQconnectPoll(conn) again. Conversely

E.52. Release 9.6.5

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW table_privileges AS SELECT CAST(u_grantor.rolname AS sql_identifier) AS grantor, CAST(grantee.rolname AS sql_identifier) AS grantee, CAST(current_database


database, for example if any tables have columns of the hstore type. Add the CASCADE option to forcibly remove those dependent objects as well. Compatibility DROP EXTENSION is a Postgres Pro extension. See Also CREATE

14.1. Using EXPLAIN

creates for any query. Plan-reading is an art that requires some experience to master, but this section attempts to cover the basics. Examples in this section are drawn from the regression test database


created. data_type The underlying data type of the domain. This can include array specifiers. collation An optional collation for the domain. If no collation is specified, the underlying data type's default collation

33.28. foreign_servers

database) foreign_data_wrapper_name sql_identifier Name of the foreign-data wrapper used by the foreign server foreign_server_type character_data Foreign server type information, if specified upon creation

F.11. cube

create my own world and live undisturbed in it. And I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to Argonne Lab and to the U.S. Department of Energy for the years of faithful support


database sessions to re-read the configuration files, which otherwise they would never do if they had read them earlier. Compatibility There is no ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY statement in the SQL standard. See Also


CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT name, temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp, date, location FROM weather, cities WHERE city = name; SELECT * FROM myview; Making liberal use of views is a key aspect of good SQL database

Chapter 50. Writing A Procedural Language Handler

CREATE FUNCTION . Typical checks then include verifying that the function's argument and result types are supported by the language, and that the function's body is syntactically correct in the language. If the validator

48.28. pg_init_privs

database which has a non-default (non-NULL) initial set of privileges. Objects can have initial privileges either by having those privileges set when the system is initialized (by initdb ) or when the object

48.47. pg_tablespace

database. Table 48.47.  pg_tablespace Columns Name Type References Description oid oid   Row identifier (hidden attribute; must be explicitly selected) spcname name   Tablespace name spcowner oid pg_authid .oid Owner of the tablespace, usually

3.3. Foreign Keys

database systems this would be implemented (if at all) by first looking at the cities table to check if a matching record exists, and then inserting or rejecting the new weather records. This approach

29.4. WAL Configuration

database low level modification (for example, row insertion) at a time when an exclusive lock is held on affected data pages, so the operation needs to be as fast as possible. What is worse, writing

F.27. lo

database represent large objects that you are managing with the trigger. It is also rumored that the ODBC driver gets confused if you don't use lo for BLOB columns. F.27.2